THE NATION OF ULYSESS!! Defiantly one of my favorite punk bands, their 1991 debut, 13-Point Program To Destroy America, was an amazing record with some jazz punk, crazy (but not stupid) lyrics, freak-outs (Ya know, where everything is all cool then everyone goes apeshit!), and a TON OF ENERGY. The recordings sound their age, 16 years old now, but are still boss and will get you pumped.

The second, and as far as I know final installment in the book known as The Nation Of Ulysses, an amazing sophomore follow up, that in my opinion is slightly better than 13-pt. Program. More freak-outs, more jazzy sounding, more punk, more screams, some spoken word, and did I mentions more freak-outs? A must if you’re a fan of Swing Kids, Dead Boys, Cap’n Jazz, Dead Kennedys, and just about any old school punk rock band.
Nation Of Ulysses - 13-point Program + Plays Pretty For Baby
1 comment:
awesome, thanks for posting all this NOU
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