Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Hate Myself minus the bass. (Die Hoffnung)

When I heard "Jon and Jim Marburger of I Hate Myself infamy," (Thats the jist of what the sticker on the front says) were coming out with something new, which was 2 years ago, I wanted it. Two years later I bought it. Now a few years ago I used to frequent the emo forums, mainly because after school I had nothing to do, but also because they had an upload thread. A Die Hoffnung demo was present and being advertised as "Basically I Hate Myself without a bassist."


Thats honestly how this was sold to me. "I Hate Myself minus their bass player." Come to find out that was a lie, even though technically it's true--you got the two brothers on drums and guitar, only lacking bass--but it bears hardly a resemblance to the I Hate Myself sound. On No Idea's website this is pretty much hailed as IHM back from the dead. Why lie to the consumer? (Note: They do'nt actually hail this band as the living dead corpse of I Hate Myself, but they do a job close enough for government work.)

So now that you know that this is not IHM reincarnate let me tell you what it is... Well it's music... fast-ish, loud,... Yeah, basically its alt rock with some screaming. Its good stuff but the lyrics are not what they used to be. They still have musical talent, but without the slow, quiet, sludge, of IHM it does'nt shine as bright.

At any rate its good. The music it catchy, and some songs have pretty good lyrics. The cover art is people in wierd circular fishing boats; the flipside is a close up of a bunch of bats; the back of the cover is some slimy dead fish, and hiding behind the CD,(which is the default silver with a yellow flower sprouting from the hole in the center)is a scene of blood red water, a dead shark?, some fishermen and a little kid just chillin in a boat.

I think Die Hoffnung is German for "the hope."

7/10 (Not all I was hoping for, but I guess my hopes were too high.)
Die Hoffnung - Love Songs
