Friday, September 14, 2007

Is it really a discog or just a jumble?(Khayembii Communique)

Khayembii Communique - 7" cover art

It has been awhile since I last checked up on these guys, and there myspace page has changed a bit and interpunk has some stuff on 'em, but I have'nt seen any new stuff. About two years, maybe only a year and a half ago, I found out about these guys and fell in love...Or at least as close as you can get with music. Throaty screams that make you wince, emotional lyrics, and from what I've heard, they are killer live.

I got this jumble of recordings being passed off as a discography(could'nt find real art so I put the pic from their 7") from a friend, only to find out the band is'nt dead,or maybe it is, their myspace is no help, so technically it's a "Sofargraphy?" Anyway it's great stuff and they seem to have grown in popularity since I've last google'd their name. (I also saw a guy on interpunk say their 1st LP is selling for $30 on ebay!)

I'll be up-ing thier split with Vidablue sometime this week.

8/10 (Lots of repeats, but maybe thats just beacuse it's all they have done and they want to show how they've changed...?)
Khayembii Communique - sofargrapy?

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