Friday, September 14, 2007

Kodan Armada - Collections Vol. 1

Learn something new

(BTW dont hold your breath for a Vol. 2)
I honestly can't do this album justice with this little review/description, but I'm going to try to at least explain why Kodan Armada may just be the best screamo band ever. If you're a screamo fan then you should know about Kodan Armada...If not let me enlighten you.

This little band coming from Louisville, Kentucky of all places has left a huge mark on the genre. From "soft-ish" songs to mind blowing thrash punk anthems this band delivers in eveyway you could possibly want! Lyrics? Got 'em, and deep subject matter for a few songs. Like the song Cops deals with not only police brutality, but also rascism. But I'm going to fast.

From the the first 12 seconds of the intro they will have your attention.
"This song is about my dad raping my sister..."
Hearing that for the first time will get you asking yourself what the fuck you just got yourself into, but they blend the pain, and shame that the lead singer (and not to mention his sister) felt into a beautiful song full of melody and purpose.

Some of there more notable songs will get a intro recorded at a live show, songs like bullshit Buffet that will get you hardcore dancing no matter where you are, in the car, sitting at your computer, walking down the street, or in the middle of a class. While unfortunatly not every song will give you that "mind just got blown" feeling most will, and of course the lyrics for every song are not amazing, but even there most cliche song,, is more boss than many band's most dice song. (Hope you like my "lingo" or slang or w/e you want to call it)

Anyway, I could go on for hours about how good their songs are, how awesome they were live, and how IMO they are in the top 3 of all emo/screamo bands, but I dont have all day so I'll just stop hear and let you hear for yourself...

10/10 (perfect in most every way)
Kodan Armada - Collections Vol. 1


Taylor said...

pleeaaase reup this i wanna check these guys out

Anonymous said...

hello! how can i buy a lp from this band? do you know some shop that sell LP used!? thank you