Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ordination of Aaron - Colmplete Works

First things first, it has been a while since I posted, so FYI I got a bunch more stuff to upload.

Let me put it this way, if you like The Get Up Kids then Ordination of Aaron is for you. Youthful, sorrowful, quiet,and beautiful. While a few tracks will get a bit loud, most are on the quiet side. Kinda reminds me of mineral, but these guys where most deffinatly infulenced by the deeper side of The Get Up Kids. Less pop and more rock. I've heard a few people (I dont know many ppl that have ever heard of these guys) call them post-emo, but that would imply that they were once members of emo bands. I'm to lazy to look that up, but they do have that type of sound. Anyway, if you like SDRE or the Get Up Kids then OOA wont be breaking new ground with you (But this is deffinetly worth a download if nothing else). Enjoyable and it has the feel of better times.

8/10 (Good, but not something that you will find yourself listening to daily, maybe once or twice a week, but no more.)
Ordination of Aaron - Completed Works


greezus chrust said...

great blog- just found it... any chance of a re-up on this?

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