Thursday, October 18, 2007

I, Robot is so much more than a collection of short stories and a Will Smith movie. (I, Robot)

Et Cetera

The opening riff or line (Whatever one you prefer) on the very first track, the answer, will have you hooked. If not, the crazy amount of energy this band has will. The lyrics are pretty good, and these guys definatly know how to play some music. Mostly screaming, but a little singing on "Call me 'Killer'" and a couple of other tracks mixes it up a bit. Kinda reminds me of city of caterpillar, but dont get all pissed when it does not sound exactaly the same. Add in a few live tracks and the word Mullet and in my opinion it's worth a download if nothing else.

7/10 (Been here and heard this, but really worth a listen.)
I, Robot - Et Cetera

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